The Emilly Hadrill Boar Bristles & Nylon Extension Brush has been designed specifically for keeping your hair extensions in their best condition. With the ability to be used at the scalp as well as the ends of your hair, enjoy how silky your hair extensions will feel.
Benefits of boar bristle;
Reduces Oil - distributes oil from the roots or scalp and directs the oil towards the ends of the hair where it is most needed
Reduce Frequency of hair washing - because the oil is being distributed from the scalp to the ends, the hair will require less frequent washing
Reduces hair breakage - the delicate bristles help to maintain healthy strands of hair and reduce breakage
Promotes hair growth - by stimulating the scalp, this brush helps to increase blood flow to the hair follicles prompting healthy hair growth
Prevents frizz - by distributing the natural oil throughout the hair's mids to ends the hair receives the best anti-frizz treatment possible
Creates shine - enjoy shinier hair immediately from the effects of boar bristles